One thing is absolutely certain when traveling by air. Your are bound to see something you would never expect. Anytime we are grouped in a place that gathers people from all over the world, those varieties bring the best and worst together for some interesting experiences. We’ve put together some of the world’s most funny, strange, sometimes rude and often downright uncomfortable moments, that airline passengers shared from their travels. We hope you enjoy.
Not Enough Room

Here’s what it’s like sitting next World’s Strongest Man winner, Eddie Hall. He is 6′ 3″ tall and 362 pounds! If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Flexible Flight Attendant

This flight attendant sure is flexible. Could you image being the first one on the plane and seeing this? Impressive! If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Patient Plane Patron

This passenger won an award for not standing up when the plane landed! We saved the best photo for last so be sure to stick around for that! If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Out Of Sight Out Of Mind

Here’s a great way to shut out the world around you while on a flight! If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Riding With Ron

Could you imagine looking over and seeing this classic Ron Swanson stare. Nick Offerman. True legend! If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Passenger Pup

Imagine looking forward and seeing this good boy gazing back! If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.


What is going on here? Do you think this is a passenger, flight attendant or pilot? Mechanic? If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.


Sometime you have a lot of time to kill while waiting on your bags. This couple knows how to make the most of it! If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

That’s Not How You Do It

I guess this guy didn’t want to take his shoes and belt off while going through the metal detector. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

All To Himself

This looks like the luckiest passenger ever. Could you imagine having the whole flight to yourself? If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.


If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Extra Arm Room

If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Pups On A Plane

Here’s a good boy that looks very happy to be on the flight. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

How Did She Fit In There?

Here’s another flight attendant with a good sense of humor. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Victoria Secret

Nothing to see here. Just a flight with only Victoria’s Secret models. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

That Can’t Be Regulation

This can’t be good to see while on a flight… If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.


Just a kiss on the nose. This stewardess has a great sense of humor. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Not To Comforting

This can’t be good. Life vest located under sea… If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Birthday Boy

It was this passenger’s birthday so the flight attendants make him a crown out of peanut and pretzel bags. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Had To Be Australia

Here’s a passenger you don’t see everyday. Thankfully! If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

She Looks Familiar

Nothing to see here. Just the CEO of the airline dressed up as a stewardess. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

A Requirement For Employment?

Luggage isn’t the only thing that can fit up there. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Stalker Vibes

This is what happens when you wear your glasses on the back of your head on a flight. It looks like you’re staring at people. This cracks us up. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Chatty Kathy

Another good doggy flying high in the sky. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Pigs On A Plane

When pigs fly… Here you go. Have you ever been seated next to a pig on your flight? If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Hanging Around

You have to love a flight attendant with a good sense of humor. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Who Needs Leg Room?

That’s one way to stay limber on long flights. She’s very flexible. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Air Turkey

Northing to see here. Just a turkey on a flight. For his sake, let’s hope it’s not Thanksgiving. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

No Thank You

This can’t be good right? Could you imagine being seated next to this guy? That’s a bit strange… If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Who’s Flying The Plane?

Nothing to see here. Just the pilot wearing a horse head. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Flight Delayed

This is not how it’s meant to work. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Baggage Claim Champion

Here is the best piece of luggage we have ever seen. Genius! If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Patient Poppa

If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.


This guy met a fellow passenger that looked just like him. He took this funny selfie. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

One Way To Do It

This guy knows how to nap at the airport. Legend! If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Quit Horsing Around

Here’s a passenger you don’t see everyday. A miniature horse! If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Genuinely Troubling

This funny photo is from a group traveling together that decieded to prank a friend. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.


Nothing to see here. Just Chewbacca on the flight. Thankfully, he’s a seasoned pilot. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Have You Found Our Bags

That’s one way to check the overhead compartment. This flight attendant clearly has a good sense of humor. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

We Feel Your Pain

Here’s another legend that knows how to get comfortable and nap. You go dude! If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Overhead Bins

Here’s another flight attendant with a great sense of humor. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Better Cover Your Coffee

This is no fun. Especially when your food comes. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

This Is Genius

Another genius piece of luggage. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Extra Leg Room

What is going on here with this passenger? We’ll assume she knows the person nest to her. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Only In Australia

Here’s a passenger you don’t see flight. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Comfort Has A Cost

Here’s a passenger you don’t see flight. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Whatever Works

We’ll this is one way to sleep on a plane but we doubt the people around him think it’s a good idea. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Penguins On Patrol

Here are two passenger you don’t see every flight. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

More Scared Than Amused

There’s never a dull moment when riding next to kids. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Target Dog?

Here’s a passenger you don’t see everyday. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

This Is Becoming A Trend

Here’s a passenger you don’t see everyday. Hopefully! If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Bins Aren’t Meant For Sleeping

This flight attendant looks exhausted! If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.


This flight attendant has skill! If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Out For The Count

Here’s another completely exhausted flight attendant. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Not Cool

This is not cool at all. Very scary! If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Pandas On A Plane

Here’s a passenger you don’t see everyday. A full grown panda. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Hands Free

Here’s another flight attendant with a good sense of humor. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Exercise When You Can

Here’s another flight attendant with a good sense of humor. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Face Swap

This woman tried to take a selfie and got this funny face swap on accident. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Hanging Around

Here’s another flight attendant with a good sense of humor. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Must Be Married

This guy has a lot of patience. He probably loves her very much. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Stop Hogging The Aisle

Here’s a passenger you son’t see everyday. A full grown pig. If you love this funny airline photo or know someone who would, be sure to share it. Coming up next are more funny airline photos. We saved the best for last so be sure to stick around until the end. After all, good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. According to Mark Twain, humor is mandkind’s greatest blessing.

Is She OK?

Finally! Here’s the best selfie ever taken on a plane! There’s a lot going on here. Look how happy the guy in the back is. Look how upset the flight attendant is. Airplane passenger selfies don’t get much better than this. Now get ready for what’s next. Keep scrolling!

Hopefully It’s On Autopilot

Here is another airline photo that we had to laugh at. Some of these photos were captured at exactly the right time, while others were just in the right position. If you enjoyed these airline travel photos, keep scrolling to find even more moments caught on camera.

You Can Never Be Too Careful

Here is another airline photo that we had to laugh at. Some of these photos were captured at exactly the right time, while others were just in the right position. If you enjoyed these airline travel photos, keep scrolling to find even more moments caught on camera.

When Pigs Fly

Here is another airline photo that we had to laugh at. Some of these photos were captured at exactly the right time, while others were just in the right position. If you enjoyed these airline travel photos, keep scrolling to find even more moments caught on camera.

Kick Your Shoes Off And Relax

Here is another airline photo that we had to laugh at. Some of these photos were captured at exactly the right time, while others were just in the right position. If you enjoyed these airline travel photos, keep scrolling to find even more moments caught on camera.

Miniature Horse On Front Row

Here is another airline photo that we had to laugh at. Some of these photos were captured at exactly the right time, while others were just in the right position. If you enjoyed these airline travel photos, keep scrolling to find even more moments caught on camera.

Bring Your Own Flight Suit

Here is another airline photo that we had to laugh at. Some of these photos were captured at exactly the right time, while others were just in the right position. If you enjoyed these airline travel photos, keep scrolling to find even more moments caught on camera.

Yoga On The Plain

Here is another airline photo that we had to laugh at. Some of these photos were captured at exactly the right time, while others were just in the right position. If you enjoyed these airline travel photos, keep scrolling to find even more moments caught on camera.
Trying To Take A Nap

Here is another airline photo that we had to laugh at. Some of these photos were captured at exactly the right time, while others were just in the right position. If you enjoyed these airline travel photos, keep scrolling to find even more moments caught on camera.